Hard Times for Microsoft (Not Just the Waves of Layoffs)
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, March 01, 2023 Links : diffoscope 237 and New LibreOffice Release Links : KDE Gear 22.12.3 and Phipps Versus Standard-Essential (Software) Patents Links : QOwnNotes 23.3.0 and ShinyProxy 3.0.0 Thoughts on Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell’s Drug Diary IRC Proceedings: Thursday, March 02, 2023 If you liked this post, consider subscribing to the RSS feed or join us now at the IRC channels.
Herr Professor Doktor Benoît Battistelli. Should Europe’s second-largest institution by run by psychopathic nihilists? █ It’s a cruel strategy that introduces likely illegal conditions and tarnishes the image of Europe (the EPO is Europe’s second-largest institution) while exacerbating the patent examination process. A familiar strategy! Then, he and his regime distort the position of staff (or basic facts/reality) to make life worse for the staff. Campinos wants a bunch of people to say they speak for staff and then orchestrates a meeting to tick some boxes and ultimately claim that staff has been consulted. The video above isn’t dealing with the pertinent points, but it shows the open letter preceded by some context like arrangement of meetings. The arbitration procedure for medical opinions The exchange, use and access of medical information The distinction of tasks in the Occupational Health Services (supporting staff) and in the Medical Advisory Unit (advising the President in administrative decisions) They will affect sick staff, particularly in relation to: With document CA/85/22, the administration is proposing several changes to the Service Regulations, to be submitted to the COHSEC, the GCC and finally the Administrative Council in December 2022. The Central Staff Committee of the EPO is circulating following message among members of staff: Health matters: Further restrictions on the rights of sick staff The way things have gone under António Campinos (so far it’s worsening), expect no better.
Under Benoît Battistelli‘s regime a lot of EPO workers chose to end their own lives (jumping into tracks, jumping out of windows at work, apparently self-immolation too). A recent survey showed that EPO staff is generally depressed and demoralised. THE health of EPO (European Patent Office) workers is a subject that the union and the representatives of staff constantly speak about. Summary: The Central Staff Committee at the EPO cautions that an EPO policy “document constitutes a misrepresentation of the situation at the EPO and instrumentalises the Working Group on “Health & Safety Services” to introduce further restrictions on the rights of sick employees” (a highly relevant topic at the moment)